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A great night’s sleep is one of life’s greatest gifts. Yet many of us struggle to get the rest we need. Why let life’s challenges keep you from being your best when a hot tub can help?

Here’s how to beat insomnia with regular hot tub use.

Eliminate Tension and Stress
Modern hot tubs are equipped with powerful jets for a full-body massage. Coupled with heat, massaging jets target muscles and joints throughout the body, relaxing, loosening, and soothing. Soak 30 minutes before bed for the perfect transition from awake to sleep.

End the Day Happy
Sleep comes faster when body and mind are in balance. And using a hot tub is a simple fix when life’s complications create mood swings. Soaking in heated, massaging water stimulates endorphin production, leaving you optimistic and uplifted.

Go to Bed Pain-Free
Customizable massaging jets make it easy to design the perfect hydro-massage treatment to soothe muscle and joint pain for long-lasting relief. Just a few minutes in the spa is all you need for a comfortable, restful sleep.

So Go Ahead, Take a Soak, You Deserve it!
It’s fast, fun, and relaxing. Not only that, it’s good for the body, soothes the mind, and can improve your overall health and well-being. To learn more go to Used Spas Hartford SD.

Combined Pool and Spa
3520 South Western Ave.
Sioux Falls, SD 57105
☎ 605-334-6659